Supportive coaching

About this module
In this experiential learning module on Supportive Coaching, the learner takes on the role of a Manager of Product Design and Engineering at Watt Dynamics, a manufacturer that specializes in the development of efficient, long-lasting energy storage systems and devices. Earlier this year, the company developed a new Redox Flow battery. The new design enables the battery to maintain a charge for up to 25 – 30% longer than other similar batteries while maintaining the same level of safety and durability, all at a minimal price increase. The product was quite successful in its trial run, to the point where the largest green energy provider in the province has taken an active interest in its future development. The organization was so impressed with the performance of the Redox Flow battery that they ordered this product to be installed at all of their power stations.
This is a massive opportunity for Watt Dynamics. It is the perfect chance for some employees to distinguish themselves, but also may bring stress and unknown problems into the employees’ daily lives. The learner is tasked with coaching employees who are experiencing various challenges in their individual roles. To succeed, they will need to effectively display the traits and behaviours of a supportive coach. The learner will face challenges related to providing an environment of psychological safety, applying the GROW model, and impromptu coaching.
Subject Matter Expert

Learning objectives
- Adapt to the environment within which they are coaching
- Create a safe space for coaching
- Apply the GROW model to coaching conversations
- Ask the right questions and provide feedback
- Build confidence to lead coaching conversations
Skills experienced and assessed
- Active listening
- Asking powerful questions
- Giving feedback
- Empathizing
- Creating psychological safety
- Developing others
Learning outcome
At the end of the module, the learner will understand that a supportive coach creates a safe environment, provides effective feedback, builds confidence, and encourages others to make difficult decisions.
The learning module will take learners 1 to 2 hours to complete.
Implementation options for higher education
Ametros modules can be easily integrated into an existing course or program via LTI 1.3. Modules can be implemented in several ways including the following:
- The module can run asynchronously on-demand without instructor involvement.
- The module can run asynchronously with instructor involvement. The instructor can choose to provide additional student feedback at an interaction level.