Professional communication

About this module
In this experiential learning module on Professional Communication, the learner plays the part of a strategic consultant at AdrenaLife, an insurance company that specializes in extreme sports travel insurance. The company has growing concerns about the impact of climate change on the number of insurance claims, and thus on their profitability. The company’s board has scheduled an urgent meeting to discuss whether they will be raising the rates on insurance packages that are at risk. The learner has been assigned to brief Felicity Loire, the VP of Marketing, in preparation for this meeting.
To succeed, the learner will need to recognize the importance of this assignment and take ownership of their task, despite the obstacles they face. They will need to manage the expectations of their demanding supervisor, request support from a distracted peer, and navigate an emotional interaction with a company sales manager who has a strong opinion about this quickly escalating predicament.
Learning objectives
- Create an appropriate draft email to a superior
- Respond appropriately to conflict or bad news
- Demonstrate strong communication and professional voice
- Gather information using various sources
Skills experienced and assessed
- Taking ownership
- Managing expectations
- Requesting support from a peer
- Maintaining composure
- Giving bad news
- Clarity and concision
Learning outcome
The learner will experience the challenge of working on an important project with a demanding supervisor and multiple stakeholders. By drafting a series of sensitive messages, the learner will have the opportunity to practice and perfect their professional voice.
The learning module will take learners 2 to 2.5 hours to complete.
Implementation options for higher education
Ametros modules can be easily integrated into an existing course or program via LTI 1.3. Modules can be implemented in several ways including the following:
- The module can run asynchronously on-demand without instructor involvement.
- The module can run asynchronously with instructor involvement. The instructor can choose to provide additional student feedback at an interaction level.
- The module supports an optional instructor-graded assignment that is assessed using an easy-to-use, editable, integrated rubric. Feedback at the interaction level is optional for the instructor.