Problem solving - OWCSR

About this module
In this experiential learning module on Problem Solving, the learner takes on the role of a junior consultant from Lyka Consulting, a distributed firm that specializes in aiding clients with the difficulties of AI-driven digital transformation. Lyka’s newest client is The Offices for Western Canadian Statistical Recording (OWCSR). OWCSR has experienced a significant decline in the accuracy of their statistical reporting, and mistakes in their last population survey had some disastrous results.
OWCSR’s data is used to determine funding for employment insurance benefits, emergency relief funds, and many other government programs. After a First Nations community was left without emergency support when a natural disaster struck, OWCSR called in expert help from Lyka to improve their reporting and predictive modeling accuracy.
Subject Matter Expert

Learning objectives
- Identify the key needs of a group; develop and propose a strategy for meeting those needs
- Demonstrate accountability for unintended consequences
- Identify points of bias in a dataset and extrapolate their impacts
- Identify and propose the most effective data set to use based on the context
Skills experienced and assessed
- Cultural awareness
- Critical thinking
- Understanding data bias
- Information gathering
- Problem solving
- Identifying group needs
- Empathy
- Taking accountability
Learning outcome
This module will require the learner to see a complex problem from many sides. Both the problems the learner encounters and their solutions are multifaceted and will require the learner to address both the technical and human challenges inherent to any workplace.
The learning module will take learners 2 to 3 hours to complete.
Implementation options for higher education
Ametros modules can be easily integrated into an existing course or program via LTI 1.3. Modules can be implemented in several ways including the following:
- The module can run asynchronously on-demand without instructor involvement.
- The module can run asynchronously with instructor involvement. The instructor can choose to provide additional student feedback at an interaction level.
- The module supports an optional instructor-graded assignment that is assessed using an easy-to-use, editable, integrated rubric. Feedback at the interaction level is optional for the instructor.