Problem solving - Mount Louise Hospital

About this module
In this experiential learning module on Problem Solving, the learner takes on the role of a Consultant from Lyka Consulting, a distributed firm that specializes in aiding clients with the difficulties of AI-driven digital transformation. Lyka’s newest client is Mt. Louise General Hospital, a public hospital built in 1962. The operations team at the hospital has performed an internal audit and determined that patient throughput has been steadily declining for the past four years. To resolve this issue the hospital has recently completed an integration with MyCare, a new AI-powered software solution to manage patient appointments and provide intelligent live information updates to its frontline staff. Though MyCare, Mt. Louise can improve its efficiency and patient throughput without sacrificing the quality of care that it is known for.
However, since implementing this new system several months ago, the hospital has not seen the predicted increase in throughput and there have been some significant negative reactions from staff as they struggle to adapt to the new system. Lyka Consulting has been hired to help upper management understand the situation and provide a plan of action for resolving the issues and achieving the efficiency boost Mt. Louise was promised.
Subject Matter Expert

Learning objectives
- Identify key problem areas and make recommendations to improve them
- Understand and address broader issues with organizational culture
- Gather critical information from a variety of sources
- De-escalate a tense situation
Skills experienced and assessed
- Problem Identification
- Information Gathering
- Professionalism
- Empathy
- Strategic Planning
- Coaching
- Adapting to Organizational Contexts
Learning outcome
This module will require the learner to see a complex problem from many sides. Both the problems the learner encounters and their solutions are multifaceted and will require the learner to address both the technical and human challenges inherent to any workplace.
The learning module will take learners 2 to 2.5 hours to complete.
Implementation options for higher education
Ametros modules can be easily integrated into an existing course or program via LTI 1.3. Modules can be implemented in several ways including the following:
- The module can run asynchronously on-demand without instructor involvement.
- The module can run asynchronously with instructor involvement. The instructor can choose to provide additional student feedback at an interaction level.
- The module supports an optional instructor-graded assignment that is assessed using an easy-to-use, editable, integrated rubric. Feedback at the interaction level is optional for the instructor.