Inclusive leadership

About this module
In this experiential learning module on Inclusive Leadership, the learner plays the part of a new supervisor for a diverse team of six individuals at a successful online retailer. The team has had three separate supervisors in the past 18 months who have all had different leadership styles, and this instability has contributed to poor team dynamics. As a result, the group has not become a cohesive team, nor are they performing to their potential.
As the new team leader, it is up to the learner to recognize and improve this team’s situation. To succeed, they will need to effectively display the traits and behaviours of inclusive leadership. Through individual and facilitated group communication, the learner has the opportunity to build a culture of openness on their team.
Subject Matter Expert

Learning objectives
- Develop the inclusive leadership traits of humility, pro-diversity beliefs, vulnerability, and emotional intelligence
- Develop the ability to encourage diverse perspectives and create opportunities for others to contribute
- Create an environment where differences are welcomed and accepted
- Develop the ability to facilitate an inclusive team meeting
Skills experienced and assessed
- Create a Safe Environment
- Create Opportunities to Contribute
- Build Relationships
- Emotional Intelligence
- Supporting Others
- Displaying Humility
- Demonstrating Vulnerability
- Demonstrating pro-diversity beliefs
Learning outcome
The learner will experience the challenges of starting a new role in a team management position. They will practice the behaviours of inclusive leadership across several communication contexts and respond to an existing culture that is not inclusive to everyone on the team.
This learning module will take learners 1 to 1.5 hours to complete.
Implementation options for higher education
Ametros modules can be easily integrated into an existing course or program via LTI 1.3. Modules can be implemented in several ways including the following:
- The module can run asynchronously on-demand without instructor involvement.
- The module can run asynchronously with instructor involvement. The instructor can choose to provide additional student feedback at an interaction level.
- The module supports an optional instructor-graded assignment that is assessed using an easy-to-use, editable, integrated rubric. Feedback at the interaction level is optional for the instructor.